Monday, December 14, 2009

Social Connection - LinkedIn to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Inspired by a post at Microsoft Dynamics Team blog, I started to implement a connection to LinkedIn within my company’s CRM application.  The customization is pretty easy and straight forward as it is only a few line of HTML and Java Script code.  And the result is great, Sales Reps and Teleprospectors in my company love this handy customization very much.  The only different in my customization is that the sample from Microsoft Dynamics Team blog placed the customization on the main entity form as an IFrame, whereas I put it on the left side navigation pane with link to a static html page and customization to the ISV XML file.   Below are the html codes and ISV changes:
//***** source code for static html page  *****
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<span id="getlinkedin"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
var parentForm = parent.frames.document.crmForm;
new LinkedIn.CompanyInsiderBox("getlinkedin",;
// ***** ISV customizations  *****
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_4502.gif" Url="/customizations/linkedin/linkedinconnections_account.htm" Id="AccountLinkedInConnections">
    <Title LCID="1033" Text="LinkedIn Connections" />

That is it !  Now when I am viewing the Account record of Coca-Cola, I can see that I have 17 connections in LinkedIn from this company with my LinkedIn account.


And when I click on the link to see all the connections, then I can see the whole whopping 22,100 connections for this company


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